Tuesday 21 June 2011

So what "New-Age-Claus" bring you for Summer Solstice?

Okay, please pardon the snappy headline, but I want to make a point.

Much new-age hype is attached to astrology.  From daily horoscopes (and why don't we have daily Bible quotes in a supposedly Christian Nation?), to tarot card readings, to corner-store psychics and Madame Zelda, new age mysticism has become part of the social fabric of western culture.

And so has mass debt and abortions, but who's counting?

While I was writing a paper today on Final Judgement being foreshadowed and warned in the Book of Jeremiah, I thought about this catchy jingle (the dating might betray my age):

"Do you believe in magic?...... And I hope you do.  You always got a friend wearing big red shoes.  Do you believe in magic?"

Is Ronald McDonald a minion of Satan?  I don't think so.  However, what we have behind the ad aimed at children is a spirit of value deception.  Magic, witchcraft, and divination are explicitly prohibited in both the Old and New Testaments.

Most Christians do not pay attention to the spiritual realm which encapsulates and exists within the physical reality that we are a part of.  That is why philospophers have a job and are able to teach at universities.  Metaphysics is a reality that most struggle to deal with, because they have improper teachers (and yes I get that I am being ironic by couching "ignorance" in an analogy of secular education).

While there are Christians who appear to "over-spiritualize" things to death, most of them are of the type who apply biblical teachings as analogies as to how we should live (again, a great irony).

While I am talking about the realities of Jesus vs. Satan, Angels vs. Demons, and Light vs. Dark, I am also talking about the realities of love, hate, anger, sadness, joy, fear, benevolence, malevolence, generosity, selfishness, prudence, and lust.

These are not just emotions.  They incorporate a reality that we can not scientifically put into a test-tube and light a match to.  They are not just electrical impulses that we can gauge the level of, whenever a different portion of the brain lights up on a brain scan.  For that to work, we would have to be able to analyze the core atoms of each emotion, which can only be done if we isolate and break down the molecules which form the finished product.  Futher to the point, we would have to isolate the area of the brain which produces and stores said "meanness" molecules................... ad nauseum!

(I wonder what molecules I'm making, sending, receiving right now?  Is it the infamous H8-2Sa-UR WR-0n6?)

For all the star gazing 2012 following Nag-Hammadi garbage that people consider themselves "enlightened" over, did "New-Age-Claus" bring them a present for their piety (other than my pity)?

-new car?
-new spouse?
-new job?

Here's what I got from God today:

Last night, I had a very vivid dream of a crow that is flying around me, and chasing after me.  I finally grab it by its face and swing it around to throw it away.  I still couldn’t kill it.  Then it anchors itself down in some longer green grass and makes a “bee line” straight for me.  I run away from it, and try to get my family inside the house, and close the sliding door before the crow gets in.  The door does not get closed past my last family member (none of whom I actually know) before the crow gets in.  I get back outside, on a deck, and the crow flies straight into my chest, and bumps me slightly off balance.  The crow then crawls quickly up my chest, and I think it is going to gouge or peck my face.  It doesn’t.  It sits on my right shoulder comfortably, as I walk around and talk to people.  I am now known as "The Bird Guy".  I am still slightly worried that it will attack me.

Now this is not a dream:

Today, when I go for a walk to get Holy Spirit inspiration for the conclusion of my Jeremiah/apocalypse paper, I see a dead crow in the grass.

Now, I'll give 100 points to the first new age guru who can tell me the meanings of oblativa and impetrita!

After I finished my paper, I spent some time reading scripture (Jeremiah funny enough) and I began to think just how fully blessed I am that I have a God in Heaven who truly loves me, and gives me full proof of his love and warnings in his only-begotten son Jesus, attested to through age-tested scripture which solely points to Jesus himself, and the special specific blessings he puts in my life.

I got down in my knees in reverent thanks for all that he does, and offered him my most feeble, yet honest attempts, to give him the thanks and praise he deserves.  Upon then realizing that there are no words anyone can give to come close to comprehending the awesome majesty, glory, love of our Holy Triune God, and the awesome works and blessings he gives us, I stopped to just meditate on his awesomeness and quieted my soul.......

and then I got a knock on my door........

It was my kindly next door neighbour, who handed me a lemon-rhubarb cream pie..........

(a pie....... seriously!  Even on TV, you couldn't come up with that one.)

My God is great, and he wants you to realize how great he is, so that you can be saved also.

However, a warning is in order:  He does not work on the economy of "well if I am this good, God will give me this". 

Do not ever reduce my God to the role of cosmic pimp, you earthly prostitute!  He will quickly prove you wrong.

Instead, he is the most loving, amazing being that you could ever imagine, and for some undeserved reason, I get to see a little more than most.

However, for $5 in a country that does not yet ban it, we can go pick up a Holy Bible.  If you don't have $5, most any church or Christian that you meet will give you one for free.

For anyone who has ever come across me in the street, I have more than enough that I carry around just for that purpose.

However, for the scoffers in the audience, I have another warning:

Death, like the crow on my shoulder, is soon coming for you unrepentant idol worshippers, and if you think I'm kidding, so be it.......

See you at your resurrection

To those who will believe, I say this:

Stay Strong, Overcome, and know the love and protection of our Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus

In Brotherly Love

Apocalyptic Pete

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